Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Easter Bunny Placemats

A few years ago I made this placemats for my kids. I saw the idea at a Pottery Barn catalog and decided I could pull it off, so I got to work. I decided this will also be a good example for my first attempt of a tutorial, even if I don't have a pattern to share on PDF right now. But let's make a deal: if I get any replies to this post I will post that pattern for you guys.

Now, this is what I did:

The first thing I did was trace the outline and details of the bunny in cardboard, I hired my husband for this.

Then I used this as template to cut one piece of muslin, one piece of batting and one piece of contrasting fabric (for the backing) for each.

I cut out an ear center, a circle for the tail, and the nose from the contrasting fabric and set them in place with some "heat n bond".

I made a fabric sandwich by placing the fabrics right side together and the batting on the back and then I sew around the edges, leaving a small gap for turning.

I turned the bunny out and topstitched around with some nice stitches from my very basic sewing machine. I also stitched around the apliqué.

I hand embroidered the whiskers and the paw detail with a running stitch, going through all the layers of the placemat, and then I hand embroidred the eye, being careful to catch just the muslin and the batting.
I made one for each of my kids, and they sure enjoy them every Easter Sunday when we sit down for lunch and thank Jesus for His sacrifice and the miracle of resurrection.
God Bless you all!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Chat Amour

Today, my girl has been a little bit under the weather with an upset tummy...and guess who has kept her company? The cat, yes ,the cat, who as if it were a dog has stayed by her side and wouldn't let her be alone.

Now who says cats are aloof and self-centered? Not me...Certainly, not me.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Sometimes you have one of those days when you just feel that even with some troubles and tribulations, you still have so much to be thankful for.
Today is one of those days...
Thank you Lord for my family: my husband, my healthy children, my sister and my parents.
Please keep them well.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Busy and a new Venture...

I have been so busy lately! No time to craft anything special in more than a month.

I am making some "entrepenurial experiments", that's what's got me tied on...

Even with the global economic crisis my interior design business is good, but I got so freaked out that I started some other things just in case... Some friends and I started a small event planning company and I am very happy about that. My first carreer is P.R. so I get to use those skills long forgotten in a corner of my mind, with the added pleasure of adding my crafting, and of course, decorating skills in the mix...
Please, if any of you stops by and can lead me to good party planning blogs and sites (besides Martha, of course) please drop a note, don't be scared, I won't bite you...